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If you’re not fulfilled in your current job, maybe the problem isn’t your company: maybe it’s your country you’re living in! As a person who has lived abroad for four years (and counting,) I know full well how exciting moving abroad can be. I also know how scary it can be. Making the decision to leave one job for another can be daunting, but leaving one country for another can be downright terrifying! However, when you’re 100% committed to making a big change, the risk is worth it. After all, if you’re like me, you’ll feel that no other option will fulfill the urge you have to explore the world and broaden your professional horizons. Moving abroad is a complex topic, and this is no way a complete list of steps. However, you may find it to be a good starting point if you feel that your destiny is leading you abroad.

Forget the Past

Let’s say your career has stalled in your home country. Let’s say that you’ve been laid off, passed over, and generally mistreated by your employers. This might be your motivation behind wanting to make a drastic change to your career, and that’s fine. This was the reason I chose to leave the United States for Hong Kong: after numerous toxic work environments and layoffs, I was ready for a big change.

Living abroad forces you to be more adaptable. You will have to adapt to unfamiliar food, weather, and of course, language. The best part is that you can adapt your career to fit the vision you’ve created for yourself. In many ways, living abroad is a blank slate. If you’ve got the skills and determination, you can create your own brand and take control of your destiny.

Focus On Building Your Network

Networking is always important, but abroad it’s even more so. Luckily, social media has made it easier to find groups of fellow professionals from your home country, as well as tech recruiters who can help you get hired. This process starts on Linkedin. If you don’t have a Linkedin profile, make one! Use a professional headshot, and fill out your profile with experience that is relevant to the role you’re searching for. Then, get active. Post an article or two, comment on other people articles, and generally be a positive, helpful member of the community. Recruiters benefit from helping you get hired, and since there’s a huge community of them on Linkedin, you need to have a presence there.

Choose Countries That Offer the Opportunities You Want

Most of our students are tech professionals, and luckily, there are lots of tech opportunities abroad. Of course, there are lots of factors to consider when choosing an adopted country. Cost of living, salary, weather: the list goes on and on. For this reason, making a list of “best countries to move to” is extremely difficult. However, in 2021, there are some countries that keep appearing on “best countries for tech jobs” lists again and again, and they are:

Rely On Your Skills, and Develop New Ones

A person who can identify their weaknesses and develop a plan to correct them is a very powerful person. At Verbalize Now, we gently explore places you can improve your English as well as your professional skillset. Even if you’ve got the technical tools, we can help you learn ways to master job interviews as well as establish your professional presence online. However, at the end of the day, it doesn’t matter what country you move to— knowing the basics of business English is going to help.

Verbalize Now is a firm believer in remote work, as well as people feeling motivated to pursue their dream jobs abroad. The first step to pursuing a job abroad is a strong command of English, and that’s where we come in! Our online English classes are business-focused, fun, and above all, useful. Since we specialize in business English, you won’t need to dread boring and repetitive grammar assignments. We’re agile and adaptable: after all, we were founded by two people who spent several years living and working abroad! Take step one toward your awesome new life abroad by contacting us today.

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Verbalize Now has created this material with tips to help you prepare for job interviews in English so you can take your career to the next level.