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If the Covid-19 pandemic has taught us anything, it’s that there is absolutely no reason to go back to work in a corporate office! Remote work isn’t just the future, it’s the present: and if you’re stuck in a company that won’t let you work from home, maybe it’s time to steer your career in a different direction: a remote one!

What It Takes to Work Remotely

Remote jobs aren’t for everyone— they require a lot of self-discipline and accountability. However, if you’re self-motivated and disciplined, you can discover your ideal remote role and earn your professional freedom. LinkedIn influencer Liz Ryan has a lot to say about remote work, and why many companies are hesitant to allow their employees to work from home. In her Forbes article “The Real Reason Why They Won’t Let You Work From Home,” Ryan argues that fear-based company cultures are to blame— frankly, these types of companies don’t trust their workers enough to let them work from home.

This can be infuriating. However, if you’ve got the skills and the confidence to succeed without a middle manager holding your hand, you can break out of the corporate grind and carve out your own professional niche. If you’ve got the skills, companies won’t care where you work: all you need is the confidence to quit your job.

Today’s Hottest Remote Jobs 

Remote jobs come in all shapes and sizes. Here are some of the hottest ones in 2021:

Technical Roles

Creative Roles

Administrative Roles

And these are just a few! We predict that remote work is going to become more and more attractive to companies, and for purely financial reasons. After all, why pay for a huge amount of office space if it’s literally not necessary? Let’s hope that day comes sooner, rather than later!

If you’re ready to start applying and interviewing for remote jobs, Verbalize Now can help you sharpen your business English skills with our personalized online English lessons and coaching. We’ll never weigh you down with grammar and memorization, because we’re an online English school that’s only interested in giving you the English knowledge you need to change your life right now.

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A Verbalize Now criou esse material com dicas para você se preparar para entrevistas de emprego em inglês e alavancar sua carreira profissional.